
Patricia Weiser, PharmD

Hi! I'm Patricia. I wear many professional hats—I'm a health content writer, medical reviewer, consultant, and coach. Foremost, I'm a pharmacist with more than 15 years of experience.

I've worked in various pharmacy settings, from rural pharmacies to urban hospitals. Throughout my career, I've had numerous discussions with patients and caregivers, assisting them in addressing challenging questions and answering their questions about medications and related concerns. 

My years in the field have made me really comfortable explaining medical topics in simple terms. I also understand what people need to know about staying healthy, taking their medications safely, and managing chronic conditions.

While I love being a pharmacist, I've always enjoyed writing. What initially started as a side project has evolved into my full-time pursuit, and I've never been happier!

My clinical experience has been super useful in creating content that's not just informative but relatable too. If you need healthcare content for your website or publication, please reach out to see if we're a good fit.

I earned my Doctor of Pharmacy degree from the University of Pittsburgh. I live in Berks County, PA, with my husband, two daughters, and our furry/feathered friends. When I'm not working, I'm either buried in a good book, going for a walk, or planning our next family adventure. I also can't resist a scoop of ice cream or the chance to catch a Dave Matthews Band show!

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